Gipsy Moth IV



Gipsy Moth IV has announced that it will be establishing four competitions this summer – all starting on the 1 July with submissions closing on 30th September. The winners will be announced during the second week of November.

The subject of the competition is Gipsy Moth IV. Any aspect or advernture can be written about.

Full details of the judges criteria as well as the rules, terms and conditions will be published on 1 July.

CHILDRENS SHORT STORY COMPETITION – Picture Book – open to all ages – entry fee Euro 10

maximum 1000 words – 1st Prize 750 Euro / 2nd Prize 400 Euro / 3rd Prize 250 Euro – entry fee Euro 10

CHILDRENS SHORT STORY – open to all ages – entry fee Euro 10

maximum 2500 words – 1st Prize 1200 Euro / 2nd Prize 650 Euro / 3rd Prize 350 Euro

ILLUSTRATION & PAINTING COMPETITION – open to artists of all ages – entry fee Euro 10

Prizes will be awarded for 1st prize place only for the following age groups

Children – up to 12 years (350 Euro)

Students from 12 to 18 years (500 Euro)

Adults 18 years and older (1000 Euro)

GIPSY MOTH IV COMIC CHARACTER – open to artists of all ages – entry fee Euro 10

Prize is Euro 500 for first place.

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